Agri- FI Climate Smart Agricultural Productivity Project- Grass Value Chain project

Scaling up pasture production and rehabilitation of degraded range lands through development of community based range grass seed bulking of KARLO identified grass species in Narok County

Scaling up pasture production and rehabilitation of degraded range lands through development of community based range grass seed bulking of KARLO identified grass species in Narok County

This was a 30 months project funded by European Union through KALRO.

Project objectives

  1. To promote farmer adoption of new climate smart technologies for increased production and productivity of the grass value chain among 2200 farmers.
  2. To link the farmers to grass commodity markets.
  3. To facilitate farmer access to and use of production inputs.
  4. To enhance farmer to have access to and derive services from financial institutions
  5. To build capacity of farmers and other stakeholders along the grass value chain.
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